Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Essay Experts Ressaylutions for 2017

The Essay Experts Ressaylutions for 2017 I’ve been encountering a lot of articles lately advising me on the dangers of New Year’s resolutions. Indeed, it has been proven that such resolutions almost always fail, usually because they are overambitious and unreasonable, aiming to chomp off too big a bite at once. For instance, we might say we’re going to start meditating for 30 minutes every day when we haven’t been meditating at all. Or we don’t create the right environment to support the change. We think we can stop checking Facebook messages at night while still sleeping with our phone in our room. Guess what: Real change takes a realistic, one-step-at-a-time mindset and a commitment to actually change something. If you want to stop eating chocolate, it will help not to buy it when it’s on sale at the grocery store. Even better, don’t walk by that section of the store. My trick for getting my new year’s resolutions accomplished is to announce them to the world, and get regular coaching to keep me accountable. I still don’t get all of them done. But I insist that I get more done than if I hadn’t made the resolutions at all. Here’s how 2016 panned out, and what’s ahead for next year. 2016 Ressaylutions Update 1. Infuse my WHY statement throughout The Essay Expert’s website. Success! This one turned into a complete redesign of my site, which is complete. I’ve put my WHY statement on my new homepage,, and on our new Why The Essay Expert page. I added more â€Å"why† focused descriptions to my Executive Resume LinkedIn Success Package, Mid-Level Resume LinkedIn Success Package, and Entry-Level Resume LinkedIn Success Package pages too. Every time I write new copy for my website or for a marketing message, I now look for ways to infuse the communication with my WHY. 2. Provide better information on services on my site.†¨ Success! I’ve written better descriptions of my services on my website and am putting the finishing touches on my new â€Å"a la carte† web pages. 3. Serve 250 clients. I refocused instead of expanded, serving fewer clients, almost exclusively at an executive level. 4. Publish 2 new editions of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile.†¨ One down! I released the 12th edition and prepared the 13th, but chose not to publish it because LinkedIn is about to implement sweeping changes that will make the current version obsolete within weeks. 5. Get How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile in front of colleges and universities. I got the book into many college bookstores, and Barnes Noble agreed to carry 15 copies in its stores. I will be doing a book event at the Barnes Noble in Madison on January 19th! 6. Increase college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of business.†¨ Instead of focusing here, I’ve put efforts into building my executive resume writing business. I continue to bring in college and MBA admissions projects by word of mouth. 7. Find an editor to do some of the editing of resumes and LinkedIn profiles that I’m currently doing. Fail. I interviewed some potential editors and so far haven’t found the right match. I am also seeking someone to help with sales calls and client inquiries. If you know someone you think would be a great resume editor or sales person, please send them my way! What The Essay Expert Is Up to for 2017 1. Launch Writely, a Client Management Portal. The Essay Expert has been using Infusionsoft to send automated emails to clients, and we’ve run into its limitations. Writely will provide a better platform for both clients and the writers at The Essay Expert. All communications and documents will be accessible through a secure portal – something I’ve wanted for years! 2. Find that editor. See #7 above. As long as I am the only editor at The Essay Expert, we are limited as to the number of clients we can serve. I want that to change. 3. Publish a trade edition of How to Write a WINNING Resume. I’m in the final stages of negotiating a contract with Skyhorse Publishing to create a trade edition of my book on resume writing. 4. Publish the 14th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, updated with the new face of LinkedIn. I will do this as soon as LinkedIn rolls out its new features (and takes away some too). The question is whether I will release another print edition or just an e-book. If you have an opinion, please weigh in! 5. Write a marketing plan – including SEO enhancements. I have been relying on just a couple of sources for new clients and I need to diversify. I will work with my business coach to write a real marketing plan that I can stick to and build business. I already know that part of the plan will involve SEO so that my Google results improve. I have hired someone to work with me on this project starting next week. 6. Explore the possibility of moving to the East Coast. I’ve been in the Midwest for eight years and I’m feeling like it’s time for a change. As The Essay Expert focuses more on Executive projects, I think a move east could be a good business decision, as well as a positive personal one. Stay tuned! Have you made resolutions for 2017? How are they going so far? Are they realistic or might you want to adjust them so you can succeed? Please share – putting your promise and progress out to someone else creates accountability and makes it more likely that you will stay on track. Here’s to a year of accomplishment and follow-through! Save Save Save Save Save Save

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